You probably know the expression “one size fits all.” Well, when it comes to jewelry, it doesn’t. After settling on the desirable design, you need to make sure your piece will have the right dimensions to avoid any unpleasant situations. It doesn’t matter if you are ordering a ring for yourself or someone near and dear: knowing how to measure dimensions is an absolute must in any case. Plus, if you are planning to surprise someone, we will give advice on how to identify the person’s jewelry sizing without direct questions. Get ready to enjoy your optimal sizing with a custom ring that comfortably sits on you at all times.

A simple go-to technique to measure ring size involves a regular thread or a thin ribbon. First, you should fold it around your finger’s base. Take a pen and put a dot on the spot where it overlaps and then use a ruler to calculate the number of mm/in. Finally, consult the following chart to see the correct size (there is a clear correspondence between the distance measured and the sizing).

In case you have an appropriately sized finger jewelry piece, you can use another way. For this, you need to have a special ring chart. It will certainly come in handy if you are planning to surprise someone special, provided that you already have one of that person’s rings (please don’t forget to put it back). If you are wondering how to apply the jewelry size table, you need to take the ring and put it against different size-circles. You may need to try out several of them before you can identify the most matchable option.

Alternatively, you can apply a ring sizer printable (this isn’t the most professional way to identify dimensions, but it works pretty well). Print out the template, then cut a small slit at the strip’s end so that you can insert the other end to make a loop around your finger’s base. After you slip the loop, pull it to the point when it perfectly envelops your finger’s base. The number that will align with the slit is your exact sizing.

Instead of printing this template, you can also buy a plastic sizing strip online for an affordable price.

A convenient and professional way to do it is to apply a free ring sizer. We send this tool to our clients so that they can learn their jewelry dimensions without the need to come to our office. All the person needs to do is insert their finger into a few sizing units until they find their optimal dimensions.
An even more professional tool is called a ring-sizing stick, a ring mandrel, or a triblet. This tool is usually made from steel (sometimes from aluminum or other materials) and is used by professional jewelers both for measuring and resizing pieces. It can also be used by artisans making jewelry by hand (especially, for wire-wrapped items).

A mandrel commonly comes in a single set with finger sizers. Using this tool is usually considered the most accurate and professional way to determine your actual dimensions because it literally consists of a set of differently-sized rings. Their numbers vary greatly from set to set with the less extensive versions having over 20 items to the more comprehensive tools featuring 50 rings and more (the one in the picture has 58 finger sizers). The materials can vary from metal (the preferred option) to plastic to the most low-quality options that look like a garbage tie set. Such tools commonly have special markings that allow jewelers to convert the finger’s circumference to an internationally recognized size.
We don’t recommend digital sizing tools offered at different websites because they aren’t always reliable. However, if you do need a quick and easy estimate and it’s OK for you if it’s slightly off, then by all means you can use popular applications available for Android and iPhone users, as well as PC.
Although you now know the most basic tips, please keep in mind that some jewelry measuring systems may be country-specific. Just to put this into perspective, the Australian system uses letters, while the European system is based on the ring’s circumference in mm. At the same time, the Swiss system adds 40 to the size, while the French one subtracts the same number. As for the US sizing framework, it applies mm even though Americans typically avoid the metric system. Some of the most conventional ring size charts applied around the globe are shown in the following table.

You can see a more complete ring size table by following link:
As you see, getting a grasp of jewelry dimensions might be a little complicated. At the same time, doing so correctly will certainly ensure your comfort. Remember that your custom piece should always fit securely without being loose. By doing the sizing procedure appropriately, you can avoid the fuss of returning a poorly fitting item or replacing it with another one. This allows you to enjoy your new custom jewelry piece right away. If you still have any doubts regarding dimensions or any kind of sizing issues at all, the Olertis team is always ready to assist and streamline your sizing experience.