Among all the jewelry types featured on our website, cufflinks and tie clips are probably the most recent inventions. Despite the fact that shirt-like clothes have been around as far back as 7,000 years ago, cufflinks appeared as late as the early 17th century. However, they weren’t popular up until the middle of the 19th century when most starched cuffs were so stiff that it wasn’t enough to secure them with buttons. Edward VII did a lot to popularize this fashion item and showed that it was okay for men to wear colorful eye-catching jewelry if they wanted to make a statement. Back in those days, cufflinks were used by the upper and middle classes but then gradually spread across the masses during the 20th century.
Structurally, there exist several types of cufflinks. First of all, there are one-faced and two-faced items (the latter have two identical sides and are perfectly symmetrical). Furthermore, interchangeable cufflinks are a subtype of the former where you can choose either side of the post to attach the face part. The middle part may consist of a straight or curved metal post, a chain, or a string. Depending on the securing mechanism, there can be whale back, bullet back, fixed back, toggle, ball return, locking, stud, and chain cufflinks.
Based on the material used, one can distinguish gemstone, gold, silver, pearl, fabric, silk, enamel, and other pieces. The motifs featured range from simple geometrical designs to elaborate figures. For example, Michael Jackson was famous for wearing custom gold cufflinks in the shape of a crown and two crossed swords. Interestingly, the most expensive cufflinks ever were made in Singapore from 21-carat canary diamonds that cost 4.2 million dollars.
Tie clips, also known as tie clasps or bars, have been around since the 1920s. They were invented by tailor Jesse Langsdorf and can be considered “descendants” of the tie pin. The sole purpose of these pieces is to prevent the tie from moving around too much, especially during formal occasions. Most tie clip designs are fairly straightforward and look like a simple slip-on or pincer mechanism made from silver or gold. However, these items are now used more and more to make a fashion statement.
It’s crucial to position clips in the appropriate place, which is generally between the third and fourth buttons of your shirt. When wearing a thin tie one must make sure the clip is not wider than the tie itself. For particularly narrow pieces we recommend wearing custom tie bars. This accessory is meant to be positioned horizontally unless you’re going for a rebel look, in which case you might consider wearing it at an angle.
Both cufflinks and tie clasps are traditionally reserved for formal occasions. However, today they’re making a major comeback, becoming a big part of smart casual outfits. Make sure that everything is done tastefully by matching all the accessories with your overall look. Fortunately, with custom tie clips and cufflinks by Olertis, you can achieve any type of look you want. You aren’t limited in any way when it comes to styles, designs, materials, or motifs that you want to use in the items. From casual to luxury custom cufflinks and tie clips – with your inspired vision, we can make it all!
Every Detail Counts: Custom Design Steps for Cufflinks & Tie Clips