A rope chain borrows its name from an actual rope, as that’s exactly what it looks like. The chain’s connecting pattern makes it pretty reliable: the C-shaped links are connected parallel to each other in a twisted manner. Counterintuitively, the third link is connected with the first one, and the fourth one joins the first two. The pattern continues on and on and can have hollow and solid variations. Also, if you want your chain to look extra shiny, you may use flattened diamond-cut links. Naturally, you wouldn’t want your custom rope chain to fall off, so we recommend a secure clasp, such as a spring ring or a lobster claw.
A rope chain is one of the most ancient types, which is evidenced by archeological finds from Ancient Egypt and Greece where they symbolized high social status. Of course, the times have changed, but a rope chain today may also highlight your prestige. The item’s thickness may depend on the style you are going for: a delicate 2-mm custom piece would look lovely with formal clothing, while a thick 4- or even 5-mm yellow gold rope chain will serve as an eye-catching statement item. Either way, you’ll be making a smart fashion choice, as these custom pieces will never lose their appeal. If you want to mix things up, consider layering options or wearing your rope chain with a charm.
Some chain enthusiasts even go as far as sleeping with their custom jewelry on. We know how special you might feel about your piece, however, sleeping with your chain on is never a good idea because it will be more prone to breaking. Plus, it can easily tangle up with your bedding and cause some discomfort during sleep, not to mention that your piece will get dirty faster than usual because of body perspiration.

If your chain has some grime, don’t be alarmed and simply make a dilute soap-water solution and put it in. Take a soft brush and start cleaning your custom chain. Depending on the chain’s material, you may use some special products (especially in the case of sterling silver), however, in most cases a mild soap solution will be enough. Carefully dry off your piece after cleaning with regular napkins and leave it on your counter for some time to make sure any additional moisture has completely evaporated. Only after doing this, you can safely store your rope chain in your special bag or cabinet.
As we’ve mentioned, your chain can be made out of any metal: sterling silver, gold, platinum, or any other. It’s important to note how much gold or silver is actually in your piece. A white gold rope chain may be of several varieties: 10k, 14k, 18k, and so on. A custom platinum rope chain can be considered a true luxury piece because this metal is more expensive than gold. If you are wondering why, the answer is simple: because of its scarcity. On average, the jewelry industry has eight times more gold than platinum today (however, this hasn’t always been the case as the latter became widespread in jewelry only as late as the 19th century).
Are you still thinking about what type of chain to get? Perhaps, you need help from our experts who can guide you in the world of custom jewelry and create the best possible piece for you. Don’t hesitate to contact the Olertis team today to get your perfect personalized rope chain!