Haven’t you ever seen something so perfect you couldn’t take your eyes off it? Look no further than the Eden Rose diamond that will appear at the exhibition in Hong Kong on the 24th of May, which is bound to not only turn quite a few heads but fetch at least 12 million US dollars.
The diamond has the same name as one of the rose types and closely resembles its graceful pink. Moreover, the color of the precious stone is very pure and exhibits no shades of violet, blue, orange, or gray, unlike many other natural pink diamonds.
Christie’s Auction House has seen many valuable pink diamonds, especially during the last 15 years, including the 14-ct Perfect Pink and a 9-ct stone that garnered 23 and 12.6 million dollars respectively. In 2012, the auction house successfully sold the 12-ct Martian Pink for 17 million dollars, surpassing even the boldest estimates for how much it could fetch. Given that the highlight of the coming auction is a 10-ct round-cut flawless pink diamond, the chance is very high that their estimates will be outperformed once again by some eager and rich collector.
Even before showcasing it to the public, Rahul Kadakia, the head of Charlie’s Auction House, expressed his hopes for attracting a lot of potential bidders, and not just from New York. “Given its rarity, we are anticipating significant interest from around the world,” he said in one of the most recent interviews about the diamond. The fact that this beauty is being shown to the public for the first time, warrants even more special attention: “The Eden Rose has never been offered at auction, and we are proud to be presenting a jewel of its unmatched caliber for the first time.”

If you’d like to see this diamond firsthand, we recommend heading to the Rockefeller Center to visit Luxury Week from June 7 to 10. The Magnificent Jewels auction itself will start on June 11 at the same venue and will likely attract a lot of gemstone enthusiasts. Be sure to have at least 12 million dollars if you’d actually like to pocket this treasure.